I have been on several different lakes in the past two weeks, chasing those green fish. Summit and Winterset have been good and tough. The bass were very active on Winterset, taking wacky rigs and creature baits. Summit produced a couple of good fish, but then conditions changed and fishing became difficult.
Fishing on Rochelle and that section of the chain was off for me as the water had cooled. We managed a few keeper bass, but not the quality fish that had been active on a prior visit.
The Butler Chain was good last week, although no big fish were caught. We managed to have a good day trolling shiners. Two other boats, with anglers using artificial baits, reported one bass per boat.
Toho reared her nasty side and only small bass were on an active pattern, however, one of my friend’s customers managed a 7-8 pound toad.
Cold and rain again this week, makes it hard to get excited about guiding on such poor days. Warming trends should get the bass back on track and in a spawning mood.